This wallpaper originated from Kuroboshi Kohaku's art book: Beautiful World. (The artist who does the artwork for Kino no Tabi or Kino's Travels.) The original image is under the 'Original World' section, hence the text. My aim was to make a happy, light, and visually pleasing wallpaper that still caught interest. I had to be artistically creative on the areas of the background and her scarf that didn’t exist in the first place – hope you can’t tell! While doing the background I remember not blinking that much. >.<
This wall went through a few of revisions before getting to this one, taking me about 2 weeks in total. (The second wallpaper I ever attempted!) Other notes: There are three hidden starts in the picture… can you find them all?
Available in full and wide screen versions.
1280x1024 (original size)